Leave the Party, Join the People

Dan Jones
4 min readJul 23, 2020

“Every four years, Americans come together to bully their neighbors. Government forces losing voters to submit. Media cheers on the bullying.” — Judd Weiss

Declare your independence from the duopoly

If you love America, you will abandon your political party now. Not your beliefs, not your values, not your principles — only your party.

If you think America’s founding fathers spoke wisely about the dangers of factionalism, you will abandon your party now.

If you think our two-party system combined with 21st century technology makes America uniquely vulnerable to ideological subversion and psychological warfare from America’s foreign adversaries, you will abandon your party now.

If you think your political party has a handful of members who represent you well but whose leadership and overall trajectory have betrayed you for years if not decades, you will abandon your party now.

If you think the specter of civil war is more real now than it’s been in at least a century, you will abandon your party now.

The consequences of voting for disunity

If you’re an American citizen, on Wednesday, November 4th of this year, you’re probably going to wake up feeling positively miserable. You’re going to go to work either depressed with frayed nerves, or walking on eggshells so as not to provoke the ire of one-half of your mentally shattered colleagues.

Many of you will call in sick, and for all intents and purposes, you will be.

Whether “your side” wins or loses, for days if not weeks if not months you’ll be able to cut the tension with a knife. For some friends and colleagues you may never speak again unless you have to. This is the optimistic assessment because it doesn’t include possible violence.

Capture the White House, end factionalism

The only way we can avoid this situation in order to begin the process of healing and strengthening America from within is by delivering an Earth-shattering loss to both the Republican and Democratic presidential tickets. We must capture the White House from the duopoly, thereby neutralizing the worst partisans in Congress and forcing both parties to reform or die.

Instead of choosing the “lesser of two evils”, you can support a non-partisan, ideas-rich team of rivals unmatched in philosophical diversity since the George Washington Administration.

Non-partisan does not mean moderate. Non-partisan does not mean no ideas. Non-partisan means a range of ideas that don’t all fit neatly within either party. Non-partisan means being unburdened by the bad blood of decades of insults and broken trust. Non-partisan means united and strong in patriotism against America’s enemies, not divided and weak in acrimony.

It’s called Unity 2020.

A three-word platform: Unite the Country

The people who have already joined Unity are not naive about the urgent need for solutions to complex issues that affect all Americans, and we trust you aren’t naive about the likelihood of the duopoly to be able to provide those solutions.

A viable Unity ticket will radically transform even the very structure and focus of presidential debates. Our complicit media organizations, unable to exploit traditional party differences in order to elicit the most gasp-worthy responses, will be forced to explore the issues we actually care about in a deeper, more substantive way.

Known collectively as the Dark Horse Duo, our Unity candidates will engage in spirited discussions, not only with their Republican and Democratic counterparts, but amongst themselves — a return to our once-proud tradition of thoughtful debate.

Restoring the sacred bonds of Union

An honest assessment of the current situation in America reveals that not only do we disagree on more issues than ever before, we have allowed our political parties to blind us to the fundamental American ideals on which a majority of us do agree. By reaffirming our commitment to these fundamental ideals, we’ll finally be able to begin the hard work of tackling more complex issues in a spirit of cooperation and transparency that hasn’t existed for decades.

In the coming years with Unity in the White House, a Unity President and Vice President will continue to hold divergent ideas about the right path forward on issues from tax reform to foreign aid. Yet they will never question each other’s motives or patriotism, and they’ll always disagree without being disagreeable — the American way.

With Team Unity in the White House, your ideals will have a guaranteed seat at the table whether you come from the Left, Right, or Center. Together, Unity will work to expose and root out partisanship and corruption at all levels of government.

By not making promises on specific policy matters, Unity 2020 can focus on its unifying pledge to be radically open-minded, respectful of all viewpoints, and committed to absolute freedom of speech. That, in and of itself, will be revolutionary.

Join us: https://www.articlesofunity.com/



Dan Jones

Native Arizonan, small business owner, holder of opinions you’ll probably disagree with.